the hardest things i have ever done in my life. My wonderful job, my family of Jr. Higher's and staff, and my own family and friends... all of these i will miss greatly. One of the hardest things about leaving is knowing how much different everything will be when you return. I am confident though, that the Lord has a plan and purpose for me attending the Joshua Wilderness Institute.

Here are just a few pictures of my last days at Jr. High and some of the wonderful people who showed me love as I left my home and journeyed up to Hume. My Jr. High family prayed over me and sent me off with their blessing.
1 comment:
Hello My Beauty,
I just cried seeing you and knowing how good the Lord is. I am so happy you are at Joshua and experiencing our Lord without any distractions, so many of us would love to change places with you. Just know we are praying for you and miss you terribly but know you couldn't be in better hands. Love you.
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