Today was our first Philippians test! One of the parts of Joshua is memorzing the book of Philippians. I was a little apprehensive about it when i entered the program because i have never memorized an entire book of the Bible before. Rich (the director) gave us a little piece of advice from day one, which was to take a verse a day and memorize it. Last night the Joshua building was buzzing with students reciting the first chapter over and over and over again. My friend Nicole and i spent most of the night walking around outside of the Joshua Building shouting out verses in weird voices, eating LOTS of junk food (to help us study of course) with the occasional interuption of watching the Joshua boys wrestle each other in the living room until one tapped out (since we can't watch TV, it's nice to haev people to entertain you). Before we knew it, the morning came and we were all line up in the great room (living room) at 8am sharp to recite what we had been working on for months! It felt like game day back in high school, the adrenaline was pumping and i was ready! I got to recite it to my friend Carter who had heard me say it the night before and in a few moments we were high fiving and i was signing a big PASS!!!! next to my name :) I walked outside, walked down the road a little bit and raised my hands and said THANK YOU GOD FOR HELPING ME MEMORIZE THIS!! HURRAY!!!
it was a good feeling :)
Below is a pic a friend took of me while i was working in the boat house this weekend.

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