The second week i was here at Joshua i injured my left ankle pretty badly playing Basketball and as a result couldn't walk around on it without having intense pain. On the weekends here at Joshua (minus the weekend of a trip and our one weekend off) we work down in main camp. Joshua students are not allowed to drive their cars on work weekends or ask for rides, so if you want to get around anywhere you have to walk. This small fact = bad news for my freshly sprained ankle. I tried to explain my situation to a staff member hoping for some mercy and was told to get some crutches and do my best. I hobbled upstairs to my room, took some ibuprofen and began to cry. I was so sad that i sprained my ankle and was gonig to injure it even more by walking down the hill. I sat on my bed and prayed to the Lord and asked, "God please provide a ride for me, my ankle hurts so bad". I got dressed in my work uniform and looked out of my window one last time to see if a ride would magically appear and then decided to begin walking down the stairs. It was about 1pm and at the pace my walking was, i knew it was going to take me every bit of time i had to walk down to work. I started out down the hill a little ways, every step throbbing with pain when i heard a voice call out, "Hi Dominique, are you counting your steps or something?" I obviously was walking funny and turned around to see Sam and Eileen who had gone out for an afternoon stroll. I began to explain that i had injured my ankle and then totally lost it and began crying. Sam quickly answered,"Let us help you!" and explained that they had a quad just down the hill and that if Eileen and i would say a prayer that it would start, he would be up in just a few moments to pick us up. We agreed and Eileen and i sat down and began to talk. She comforted me with kind words and said that she had just been praying that very morning that she would get the opportunity to talk with me again before they left to go back to Ohio. What an AWESOME answer to prayer! Here i was discouraged about my ankle and not having a ride when God brought Sam and Eileen to my rescue! I can't remember a single time in my life when i have felt more thankful for a ride! Eileen and i said a prayer together for my ankle and the quad and before we knew it Sam rode up oh so valiantly! The rest of the day I was overflowing with gratitude and thankfulness! Sam and Eileen took me to the infirmiry where the nurse examined my ankle and gave me a note so that i could get rides up and down the Joshua hill as needed.
Sam and Eileen thank you so much for being God's instrument of love and care to my beautiful girl. She has been forever touched by your kindness.
Geri and Dom, there is just one more footnote to the story: Eileen and I were up at Hume Lake for two weeks at Joshua and had access to the quad but NEVER used it because we like to walk (or bike) wherever we go. So the only two times we used it were to transport Dominique and her ankle! It was like God had it waiting at our disposal just waiting for her use (that's why we weren't sure it would even start!), and that she was a blessing to us - she is only telling her side of the story!
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