At Joshua one of the many blessings we have is what is called 'Solo Initiative'. Every week on either a Tuesday or a Thursday (depending on if we do grunting or not...i'll write a blog about grunting sometime) we get to work on our Solo Initiative. I decided that my Solo Initiative was gonig to be guitar (even though i secretly want to paint!). Today was my first day. I discovered today that trying to teach myself something is REALLY HARD. I have some books to help (thanks Josh) and am hoping that i will be able to get some tips from the amazing guitar players we have around here, but would like to ask for your prayers! Would you be willing to say a quick prayer for me and my Solo Initiative? If so, please pray that God would be my teacher and help me to be patient and diligent as I seek to stick with this new venture. ready.... PRAY! jk. but thank you much if do!
This is the perfect picture for your first album cover of worship songs from your heart. I love you
Hi, Dom - Darn it, I wrote an e-mail to you and it erased it when google found out I didn't have a blog account. Well, here it goes again. I'm very proud of you, Dom in completing chapter 1 of Philippians. The Holy Spirit is your Guide and Helper. Don't ever lose that tender heart of yours, the Lord is talking to you through those feelings and through the thoughts you have of your trip. You saw things and did things most of us have never experienced. We can pray and do His Work through you. I know Abba has some great things in store for you. This huge step of being with Him in the wilderness will bring you closer to Him. Let the tears fall and your voice cry out to Him for His strength and Love. I love you, Paulette
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