Monday, March 9, 2009

In His Hands...

What an amazing God i serve! This past week probably tops all of being one of my worst so far this year. I won't go into details, but let me just say i was on my knees so broken, spirit crushed. Back to the amazing God part... i find it SO mind boggling that the Creator of the universe cares about my life. One of the big things that i am continually learning in my Christian walk is that it is one thing to say you believe and another to live what you believe. For me, it is one thing to say i believe that God is my strength, my defender and loves me, and an entirely different thing to live that out in my life. It's crazy to me how God can take a situation that seems SO incredibly awful to me and turn it into something that can be such a huge lesson for me to gain from. This past week i have really experienced the God of hope, the God of strength and the God of a BIG BIG love for me. Just another reminder to me that i am in His hands and He has me exactly where He wants me. Just another reason to wake up and live for Him.

1 comment:

Geri Valenzuela said...

You are a woman of integrity and He will always honor you when you run to Him for strength,and to be your sure defender. Broken is where He wants you to be to give you His greatest blessings. And a reminder of His big, big love is truly a blessing. And in His love is exactly where He wants you to be and to rest.
XOXO Mamers